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“Space Cubs” Gives Positive Indication About Genetic Preservation in Outer Space

There were lingering doubts. Some space experts had posed questions regarding risks about the fertility occurring in deep space. However, “space cabs,” who were born after the sperm of the mouse was stored on the International Space Station for six years, have massively aided in clearing up these doubts.

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There was a notion among many regimes and especially NASA that fertility is not such a good idea in outer space. People believed that sperm would behave differently in outer space. And, this is not to consider the fact of radiation on fertility. Therefore, everyone needed to know beforehand the effect that space would have on fertility because it is one of the most important facets in deep space travel, which humans are expected to achieve within this century. For humans to survive for longer periods in deep space, it was important for scientists to figure out whether fertility is impossible in outer space.

So, thus, NASA experimented with mouse sperm. The sperm sample was safely transferred to ISS (an acronym for International Space Station) and was then stored for six years. However, the sperm sample was brought back to earth after six years, and scientists soon made little cubs out of that sperm. The little bunch of mice is known as “space cabs,” and to the astonishment of some, they are in the perfectly healthy condition physically and behaviorally.

Scientists have noted the fact that no eventually no alteration has been found between the mice that are born on earth and the “space cabs” from the International Space Station. Hence, they have proven that fertility in space might be similar to what is seen on earth if certain factors are taken care of.

However, fertility in humans is a whole different issue. And, still, there is no clear indication as to whether the space conditions would affect a woman’s biological life should she become pregnant while traveling in space. And, it is one of the important dilemmas for humans to solve before astronauts could be spent in further deep space explorations. One of the first destinations in space travel is Mars.

However, there is a sense of positivity among the space enthusiasts after the sperm of mice were successfully stored in ISS for six years and brought back to earth, producing good results. No physical abnormalities or changes were observed, and in conclusion, nothing separates the space cabs, and terrestrial mice found everywhere.

Now, scientists are confident of sending sperms of other rodents and animals and seeing how the fertility of those species would react in outer space. Diversity is one of the important factors to take care of when thinking about deep space travel and several other tests are needed before we conclusively say whether human fertility would be the same. Up until then, it is now a waiting game.